现代非裔美国黑人文学批评家休斯顿·A·贝克(Houston A.Baker.Jr)从“艺术人类学”(philosophy of art)的立场出发,基于对非裔美国黑人文学文本的话语和文化之关系的考核和剖析,将文本的内部构成和外部因素或文本的自律性和他律性有...
History & Philosophy of Art 艺术的历史与哲学 ; 艺术历史与之学
History and Philosophy of Art 艺术史和哲学
Philosophy of art education 艺术教育的本质
Heidegger's philosophy of art 海德格的艺术哲学
Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics 与美学
Nelson Goodman's Philosophy of Art 古德曼的艺术哲学
No Philosophy Of Art 没有哲学艺术
the philosophy of art history 艺术史的哲学 ; 文艺史哲学
Its key concern is art, therefore it's large the philosophy of art.
参考来源 - 直觉、表现与艺术·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In this sense, Nietzsche's philosophy of science is expressed as a philosophy of art and life.
All these and more are the concepts that the analytic philosophy of art takes as its subject matter.
This book is an introduction to some of the major techniques and central problems of the analytic philosophy of art.